How to Get Your Self-Published Book in More Hands
Reaching readers is about more than just publishing—learn how to distribute your self-published book beyond Amazon and maximize your sales.
ISBN 10 vs ISBN 13: Which Book Standard Should You Use?
Learn the key differences between ISBN-10 and ISBN-13, why the industry switched in 2007, and how it affects book publishing today.
Is it Possible to Register Copyright for AI-Written Text or Illustrations?
Explore the complexities of copyright for AI-generated text and illustrations. Learn if they can be registered under current laws.
What the Decline in Bookstores Means for Self-Publishers
Discover how the decline of bookstores impacts self-publishers. Learn about new opportunities, challenges, and strategies for success in digital publishing.
Kindle Direct Publishing for Dummies: The Ultimate Guide for 2024
Unlock the power of Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for self-publishing success. Learn key benefits, strategies, and long-term growth opportunities.
Foreword or Preface: Which Should You Use and When?
Understanding the difference between foreword and preface, their purpose, importance, and how to structure them in your book.
Creating Compelling Characters: The Ultimate Guide for Writers
Learn the proven techniques and insights used by successful writers to develop memorable and relatable characters. Engage your readers with compelling character development tips and writing exercises.
Ignite Your Books Success: Crafting the Perfect Book Launch Marketing Plan
Launch your book with a bang! Master your book launch marketing plan for unstoppable success.
The Future of Book Writing with AI
This blog explores how AI tools like Sudowrite can ignite your imagination, while reminding authors to retain their unique voice amidst digital assistance.
Book Description 101: How to Write for Your Target Readership
Transform your book's journey with an enticing description; understand your audience, create a hook, and highlight its unique value.
Decoding the Price-Sales Curve for Self-Publishers
Unlock the secret of book pricing: Master the price-sales curve to optimize sales and revenue as a self-publisher.
Plagiarism vs Inspiration: A Legal Perspective for Self-Publishers
Navigate the fine line between inspiration and plagiarism to safeguard your self-publishing success.